A beautiful mess.

A mess means you’re working; It’s evidence of the creative process. But don’t spend valuable billable hours looking through discontinued fabric, rogue tile stacks and the dreaded mystery box for what you need.

We specialize in organizing and designing material sample libraries for interior design and architectural practices of all shapes and sizes. Our team cleans, sorts, categorizes, labels and re-shelves your library, creating a streamlined system that makes it easy to find and file your materials.

We are designers with years of experience in the A&D materials industry and will liaise with your manufacturer reps to make sure everything is current and available. Anything discontinued or that may be otherwise discarded, we distribute to local design schools and art programs to ensure everything that can be recycled or repurposed will be.

Need Library Help?

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!